In the Waiting (Part 2)

I pressed the phone tightly to my ear, drinking in every word my mom was saying. Though afraid and discouraged, I sensed I was on the verge of breaking through to answers. “God has a vested interested in your life,” my mom told me. “He cares far too much to not let you know what…

In the Waiting (Part I)

May 31st, 2017 – an excerpt from my journal “What do I need? Wisdom. Do I do chemo? And if so, when? How will it work out with my acting gigs and future auditions?  God, I trust you and your Word so fully. My heart has peace amidst the questions. Thank you for giving me…

Rest: Must I? (Part 2)

Ok, so I’d accepted the fact that I needed a season of rest and recovery. But what to do with that nagging fear of my career being “stuck” while I took time for myself? Turns out, the way to move my career forward was being revealed to me, just not in the form I expected….

Eight Days After

“So…what happened?” my friend and fellow actress, Bethany, asked me as I gingerly sat down in the passenger seat of her car. It was a little after 8 am, and we were headed up to Springfield, TN to begin our first day of shooting for “Summer of ’67.” It was an independent feature film set…

Surgery #1: Part 2

The two days that followed my surgery are probably some of the darkest memories I have, simply because of what had just happened. And yet, it was all overshadowed by a supernatural strength and grace. Most of what I remember is that I was in and out of sleep, woken up every couple of hours…

Surgery #1: May 10th, 2017

Sometimes I can still smell the pungent scent of antiseptic, bandages, and medical tape. I remember feeling my upper body encased in a snug surgical wrap. I lay there on the hospital bed in recovery, my consciousness returning. A female voice reached my ears. I awoke from the sweetest sleep. “Rachel? Rachel, it’s all over….

Deep Sorrow and Deep Peace: Surgery Decisions

Saturday, April 29th, 2017. Man, I was so glad I was off. The end of my work at the leasing office felt a bit unceremonious because my coworkers and I were all scattered in different directions, and I was more than distracted. But I was just so glad I didn’t have to work that day…

Rest: Must I? (Part 1)

  I’m the kind of person who is all-or-nothing. I don’t really like having limits. This may sound extreme, but needing rest used to make me feel weak and unproductive. Despite dealing with breast cancer last year, I was so bent on pursuing my dreams–especially those related to acting and fitness–that slowing down at all felt…

Light A Candle and Write

A cold breeze touched my face. Hot, relaxing water from the outdoor whirlpool enveloped my body, chilling my skin and accentuating the temperature difference between it and the air. I stared up at a sky full of trees with yellow leaves, the autumn sun peeking out between the branches. I had escaped, but only for…

Intermission — I’m Healing Up!

Sorry to interrupt the narrative, but I wanted to insert a really positive post. Because now, five months after my life-changing surgery, I’m doing really great! ^^Observe: me on a paddle board for the first time. Able to do athletic things again!! Yay!! I’m taking the time to walk you through the details of the…